Wasteland 3 Guides

Wasteland 3 Tarjan Perks and Buffs: all bonuses from Toaster Repair and Tarjan Tokens
How to get Tarjan Tokens, and then spend them to get permanent perks or powerful temporary buffs in Wasteland 3.
guide by RPG Site Staff on 19 September, 2020

Wasteland 3 Animal Companions: perks, bonuses and the best companions from the animal whisperer skill
From Cyborg Chickens to two-headed goats, you can make some special animal friends in Wasteland 3.
guide by RPG Site Staff on 15 September, 2020

Wasteland 3 Intelligence Skill Points explained: is it worth dumping points into this stat?
Wasteland 3 has made a change to those valuable Intellgience Bonus Skill Points... and sadly, it's a nerf.
guide by RPG Site Staff on 15 September, 2020

Wasteland 3 Lancer: how to get the Gears of War cameo weapon
Here's the location of the Lancer Assault Rifle in Wasteland 3, a Gears classic come to the wasteland.
guide by RPG Site Staff on 12 September, 2020