Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore News

On this shorter edition of the podcast, we touch on several re-releases like Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Tokyo Mirage Sessions, Langrisser, Prinny, and more.
podcast by Adam Vitale on 07 March, 2020

In this revival of our regular RPG Podcast, we discuss game delays, Sony Skipping E3 for a second year in a row, alongside impressions of Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot, Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore, and more!
podcast by Bryan Vitale on 18 January, 2020

An overview of the flashy combat stylings.
news by Adam Vitale on 10 January, 2020

See Maiko and Tiki jump into combat during a Session.
news by Adam Vitale and Kite Stenbuck on 06 December, 2019

New songs, new story content, and new playable party members in the remaster.
news by Adam Vitale on 04 September, 2019