Valkyrie Elysium Articles

Sounds of the season with Sakuraba
Christmas is over and the New Year is upon us. For me, Motoi Sakuraba has a hit list of wintery themes to help bide time until spring.
feature by Paul Shkreli on 02 January, 2024

Valkyrie Elysium Review
While the combat to this Valkyrie Profile action RPG spin-off is top notch, the rest of the game ranges from mediocre to merely serviceable.
review by Josh Torres on 28 September, 2022

Playing through the Valkyrie Elysium demo was a lot of fun and it's mostly thanks to its Soul Chain grappling hook
Despite my concerns from its initial announcement trailer, playing Valkyrie Elysium was a lot more fun than I expected.
preview by Josh Torres on 14 September, 2022