NieR Gestalt Articles

Expectations were subverted time and time again these past 10 years, but few did it as well as Yoko Taro with NieR, which celebrates its 10th anniversary next year.
feature by Cullen Black on 28 December, 2019

Third Editions' latest book delves into Taro's work.
feature by Elizabeth Henges on 04 May, 2019

These are the songs that will never leave my playlist.
feature by Zack Reese on 29 March, 2014

Zack runs down the list of games he felt had the biggest impact on him as a fan during this provocative period.
feature by Zack Reese on 29 January, 2012

We dish out the awards for Best Original Soundtrack, Wii RPG and DS RPG in 2010 in day one of our awards.
feature by Alex Donaldson on 03 January, 2011

In places Nier can be mediocre and even boring - but when it's successful, it soars, a unique experience with a superb soundtrack.
review by Alex Donaldson on 07 May, 2010

We take a look at Square Enix's latest Action-RPG Nier in the run-up to the final release of the game.
preview by Alex Donaldson on 13 April, 2010