Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention - Latest Updates
Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention reviews and features

The Vita may not have the highest enrollment rate right now, but can this expanded RPG port fill in some seats?
review by RPG Site Staff on 16 May, 2012

We check out Disgaea 3's Vita port at Tokyo Game Show 2011.
preview by John Davison on 15 September, 2011
Latest Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention news and info

Hardcore SRPG gaming on the go!
news by Erren Van Duine on 05 April, 2012

40-plus new screens of the Vita SRPG in action.
news by Alex Donaldson on 24 February, 2012

When Nippon Ichi releases screenshots, they release a lot of them. A lot.
news by Alex Donaldson on 24 January, 2012

Check out the visuals of the Vita port of Disgaea 3 - in English!
news by Alex Donaldson on 12 December, 2011

The trailer for Nippon Ichi's PS Vita port of the PS3 Strategy RPG classic.
news by Alex Donaldson on 15 September, 2011

More from the upcoming Vita launch title.
news by Erren Van Duine on 14 September, 2011