Pokemon Black and White 2 - Latest Updates
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Latest Pokemon Black and White 2 news and info

Is generation 6 about to be revealed?
news by David Kreinberg on 05 January, 2013

Catching them all.
news by Erren Van Duine on 10 August, 2012

Catch em all this October.
news by Erren Van Duine on 28 June, 2012

This is how the Anime should be.
news by Dan Arshad Khan on 16 May, 2012

Straight from Nintendo direct.
news by Dan Arshad Khan on 21 April, 2012

So that you have a complete Pokemon experience.
news by Dan Arshad Khan on 21 April, 2012

Over 50 images released along with the trailer.
news by Dan Arshad Khan on 14 April, 2012

Its in Japanese though.
news by Dan Arshad Khan on 14 April, 2012

New Characters, new Towns, new Gym Leaders and a whole bunch of other stuff.
news by Dan Arshad Khan on 12 April, 2012

Can you wait 2 months for the sequel?
news by Dan Arshad Khan on 09 April, 2012