Demon Gaze - Latest Updates
Demon Gaze reviews and features

A dungeon crawler with some interesting ideas
review by Adam Vitale on 30 May, 2014

Need a little help through the dangerous world of Demon Gaze? Here's a few tips to make your trip to Misrid that much more survivable.
feature by Elizabeth Henges on 04 May, 2014
Latest Demon Gaze news and info

All were connected to Kadokawa Games.
news by Josh Tolentino on 09 June, 2023

Vita dungeon crawler releases today
news by Adam Vitale on 22 April, 2014

Take a look at some of the demons you'll encounter
news by Adam Vitale on 29 March, 2014

Lots of information about the battle and character creation systems, along with the Disgaea DLC
news by Adam Vitale on 12 March, 2014

Not everyone in this crazy world looks normal. Go figure.
news by Zack Reese on 20 February, 2014

The dungeon crawler hits the west in April.
news by David Kreinberg on 24 January, 2014

NIS America wants you to look it in the eye and, well, I am terrible at puns.
news by Zack Reese on 07 July, 2013