Mass Effect: Andromeda Articles

Revisiting Andromeda, it has a lot more going for it than the now-popular narrative suggests.
feature by Alex Donaldson on 25 January, 2021

A worthy entry into the Mass Effect series on the basis of lore, story, and characters. However, technical failings hold it back.
review by Andrea Kasparian on 20 March, 2017

Andromeda already feels like home.
feature by Alex Donaldson on 23 February, 2017

On our first day of announcements, we run down Best Tangential, Best Writing/Script/Localization, Best Soundtrack/Score, Best Art/Visual Design, Biggest Surprise, and One to Watch.
feature by RPG Site Staff on 29 December, 2016

The burning question finally answered.
feature by Alex Donaldson on 07 November, 2016

Zack, Alex, Andrea and Kyle sit down in the aftermath of E3 2016 to dissect and discuss the latest Mass Effect title.
podcast by Alex Donaldson on 19 June, 2016

On our first day of announcements, we reveal Best Tangential, Best Writing & Story Execution, Best Score/Soundtrack, Biggest Surprise, and One to Watch.
feature by Adam Reese and RPG Site Staff on 30 December, 2015