Pokemon X and Y News

Screenshots, video, and information... but no way to get the Pokemon yet.
news by Elizabeth Henges on 17 February, 2014

Try it free for a month, and pick up a special Celebi as well.
news by Elizabeth Henges on 07 February, 2014

Nintendo wants to let you know that Pokemon Bank is still on the way.
news by Elizabeth Henges on 23 January, 2014

We discuss Kingdom Hearts, Pokemon, and the 800-pound Gorillaimo in the room, next gen consoles.
podcast by Zack Reese on 01 November, 2013

Because just one Mega Charizard wasn't enough.
news by Elizabeth Henges on 02 October, 2013

Kids dreaming of Pokemon.
news by David Kreinberg on 18 September, 2013

Recap of today's Pokemon Direct.
news by Adam Vitale on 04 September, 2013

Check out some new Pokemon in action.
news by David Kreinberg on 19 June, 2013

Check out the starters and legendaries.
news by David Kreinberg on 15 January, 2013