Child of Light News

Ubisoft's Patrick Plourde states it does not fit with Ubisoft's current output.
news by Adam Vitale on 06 May, 2019

Two original UbiArt titles make their way to another platform.
news by Adam Vitale on 08 August, 2018

The UbiArt RPG goes portable
news by Adam Vitale on 01 July, 2014

Explore Lemuria anywhere
news by Adam Vitale on 20 May, 2014

A stunning looking game, wouldn't you say?
news by Adam Vitale on 30 April, 2014

Discover fairytale landscapes in a magical world
news by Adam Vitale on 14 April, 2014

See how Yoshitaka Amano contributed to Child of Light
news by Adam Vitale on 07 April, 2014

A beautiful game releasing later this month
news by Adam Vitale on 04 April, 2014

Cross buy for PS3/PS4
news by Adam Vitale on 05 March, 2014

Available on all major home consoles
news by Adam Vitale on 06 February, 2014