Atelier Shallie: Alchemists of the Dusk Sea News

March was big in the world of RPGs. We focus on Bloodborne and Final Fantasy 15.
podcast by Zack Reese on 03 April, 2015

Introducing Shallotte
news by Adam Vitale on 10 February, 2015

Releasing in the west in March
news by Adam Vitale on 21 January, 2015

The conclusion of the Dusk trilogy heads West in Spring
news by Adam Vitale on 06 December, 2014

Third title in the Dusk triology to be localized
news by Adam Vitale on 20 October, 2014

As well as some optional explorable areas
news by Adam Vitale on 27 July, 2014

Importers be ready, the game releases this week
news by Adam Vitale on 13 July, 2014

Lots of new information for the third title in the Dusk trilogy
news by Adam Vitale on 29 June, 2014

And some gameplay footage
news by Adam Vitale on 16 June, 2014