Megadimension Neptunia VII Articles

Branching Path: Josh Torres’s Top 10+1 Games of 2016
In a year when reboots of old IPs and decade-long projects finally saw the light of day, a few unexpected newcomers steal the spotlight as they join the fray.
feature by Josh Torres on 01 January, 2017

Megadimension Neptunia VII PC Review
If you already like the Neptunia series, this game is for you... as long as your PC is up to snuff. If you aren't a fan, though, there's little new here to justify giving this latest title a chance.
review by Elizabeth Henges on 06 July, 2016

Megadimension Neptunia VII Review
While there is still a decent amount of asset recycling going on, the series has never been better in this new console entry for the Neptunia series.
review by Zack Reese on 16 February, 2016