Corpse Party: Blood Drive - Latest Updates
Corpse Party: Blood Drive reviews and features

While the technical issues and underwhelming plot points bring it down, Corpse Party: Blood Drive is still a welcome addition to the franchise.
review by David Kreinberg on 29 October, 2015

2015 is looking to be an exciting year for games, so let's cover 200 of them.
feature by Zack Reese on 27 January, 2015
Latest Corpse Party: Blood Drive news and info

More people will be able to enjoy these survival horror adventure titles.
news by Zack Reese on 16 October, 2018

In our latest podcast, we chat about Microsoft maybe acquiring Obsidian, Sony letting us change our PSN IDs, the censorship of Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal, Konami reviving Suikoden's website, and more!
podcast by Zack Reese on 13 October, 2018

The survival horror game could see light on Nintendo's latest platform.
news by Zack Reese on 12 October, 2018

The disturbing trilogy comes to a close.
news by David Kreinberg on 18 June, 2015

The finale to the original game's story may be coming to the West.
news by Zack Reese on 01 January, 2015