Shin Megami Tensei V Guides

There are 200 Miman to find in Shin Megami Tensei V, here's where to find each one of them. Updated with Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance Miman!
guide by Adam Vitale on 14 June, 2024

For those who aren't afraid of spoilers, here is how the endings play out in Shin Megami Tensei V. SPOILER WARNING.
guide by Adam Vitale on 14 June, 2024

There is both a 'Newborn' and 'Reborn' mode. Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance adds a 'Godborn' option.
guide by Adam Vitale on 14 June, 2024

Petrified demons can be found all throughout Da'at in SMT V, and they'll give you free level-ups. Here's where to find all of them.
guide by Adam Vitale on 14 June, 2024

Talismans unlock Magatsuhi skills. Here's where to get them all.
guide by Adam Vitale on 14 June, 2024

Shin Megami Tensei V and Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance have numerous quests to complete. Here's the full list and how to complete them.
guide by Adam Vitale on 14 June, 2024

Not sure if SMTV's protagonist has an official name? That's okay - having to dig a little is typical.
guide by Andrea Kasparian on 14 June, 2024

Mitamas are rare enemies in SMT V, with rare drops. Here's where to find them.
guide by Adam Vitale on 19 November, 2021

If Hydra is giving you trouble, we've got demon recommendations and advice on its weaknesses.
guide by Andrea Kasparian on 16 November, 2021

Here's where to begin, how to complete, and what you get for The Cursed Mermaids subquest.
guide by Andrea Kasparian on 15 November, 2021

Shin Megami Tensei V has a few mutually exclusive quests, here's how they work.
guide by Adam Vitale on 13 November, 2021

SMTV isn't a one-and-done RPG, but playtimes vary depending on your goals.
guide by Andrea Kasparian on 12 November, 2021

MP recovery is a pain, but you do have a few options.
guide by Andrea Kasparian on 12 November, 2021

A few tips for understanding how demon negotiating works for SMT newcomers.
guide by Andrea Kasparian on 12 November, 2021

SMTV's launch day DLC includes subquests, demons, and the Demi-Fiend.
guide by Andrea Kasparian on 12 November, 2021