Monster Hunter: World Guides

Monster Hunter World: Iceborne's endgame is a completely new beast compared to the basegame, but we've got you covered.
guide by James Galizio on 11 January, 2020

Although its objective is simple, you might find it surprisingly difficult to uncover where to find the Hot Spring Stones that you'll need to deliver to complete this optional quest.
guide by James Galizio on 11 January, 2020

Iceborne drops you right into Master Rank, which might be difficult for any players returning to the game after a long break. Here's how you can find Purecrystals, an essential ingredient for your first set of Master Rank gear.
guide by James Galizio on 11 January, 2020

The Boaboa Tribe will be very useful allies once befriended, but getting there might be a little tricky.
guide by James Galizio on 11 January, 2020

One of Monster Hunter World: Iceborne's first Event Quests is a silly little request to capture some Endemic Life, which will grant you an adorable hat. Here's the best way to tackle it.
guide by James Galizio on 11 January, 2020

Monster Hunter World: Iceborne's The Guiding Lands doesn't just hold the expansion's endgame, they also hide the adorable Moly rare endemic life.
guide by James Galizio on 11 January, 2020

Much like in the basegame, Monster Hunter World: Iceborne contains a number of trophies/achievements that will require the player to capture certain Rare Endemic Life. Here's where and how to capture all of them.
guide by James Galizio on 11 January, 2020

Monster Hunter World: Iceborne's new Hoarfrost Reach area is full of many secrets, and by far one of the largest is the zone's hidden Summit, which houses its own secrets. Here's how to reach it.
guide by James Galizio on 11 January, 2020

Capcom starts off Monster Hunter World: Iceborne's post-launch updates with a boom, and we go over everything you need to know about Title Update 11.0
guide by James Galizio on 11 October, 2019

It's easy to get confused what each of Monster Hunter World: Iceborne's elements actually do, so we've got a guide to help you remember!
guide by James Galizio on 06 September, 2019

The land of Eorzea collides with Astera with Monster Hunter: World's latest title update. Here's all you need to know about the game's new FFXIV-themed content.
guide by James Galizio on 21 December, 2018

Lunastra has been added to the ever-growing Monster Hunter: World roster. Here's all you'll need to know before challenging this majestic beast!
guide by James Galizio on 22 November, 2018

How to play the new event quest to take down Kulve Taroth, as explained by Famitsu.
guide by Kite Stenbuck on 31 October, 2018

Every weapon type in Monster Hunter World explained, help finding the best weapons for you, plus some tips for using them right.
guide by RPG Site Staff on 15 September, 2018

Monster Hunter: World's first DLC Monster has been released, and we've gone over the new content to sort out what you'll need to know heading in.
guide by RPG Site Staff on 06 September, 2018

Ensure your hunter looks good and has all the buffs they require with our armor deep-dive.
guide by RPG Site Staff on 30 August, 2018

How to capture large boss monsters for research, capture little critters for a pet, and the items you'll need to do both - all explained.
guide by RPG Site Staff on 30 August, 2018

Equipment with elemental properties can require certain elemental sacs. Here's where to find them!
guide by James Galizio on 14 August, 2018

If you're new to Monster Hunter, we've got some starting advice for you. Stay a while and listen...
guide by RPG Site Staff on 10 August, 2018

Learn all about the mysterious Affinity stat. It's one number, but Affinity has a big impact in Monster Hunter. If you don't get it, allow us to explain...
guide by RPG Site Staff on 10 August, 2018

Getting into online multiplayer with friends can be a little confusing, including story quests and expeditions in multiplayer - here's how it works.
guide by RPG Site Staff on 10 August, 2018

Get your hands on the bow and armor made famous by Horizon Zero Dawn's Aloy in Monster Hunter World's latest event quest.
guide by Kite Stenbuck on 27 February, 2018

The plunderer's blade can make grabbing loot way easier - and we're going to tell you how to get it.
guide by RPG Site Staff on 23 February, 2018

Catch this stubborn, well-hidden fish and you'll be in for a reward. Here's how to find the platinumfish.
guide by RPG Site Staff on 23 February, 2018

Dress up like a martial artist then punch a rock beast with Monster Hunter's Street Fighter cross-over.
guide by RPG Site Staff on 16 February, 2018

How to get all of Poogie's costumes so your personal pet piggie looks stylish.
guide by RPG Site Staff on 11 February, 2018

How to get the Majestic Horn for weapons like the Kadachi Claws, Diablos Shatterer and the Diablos Alpha and Beta armor sets.
guide by RPG Site Staff on 09 February, 2018

How to get the three booster items in Monster Hunter World, and what they're good for.
guide by RPG Site Staff on 08 February, 2018

Every mantle in the game, from Ghillie to Rocksteady, and how to get them. Plus what they're good for.
guide by RPG Site Staff on 08 February, 2018

One particularly amazing armor set requires the Sinister Cloth - here's how to get some for your crafting.
guide by RPG Site Staff on 07 February, 2018

Look fly while hunting by changing the color and pigment of your armor. Here's how...
guide by RPG Site Staff on 07 February, 2018

If you want to go on a casual expedition or tackle assigned quests in online co-op, you'll need to take a few additional steps. Here's what to do.
guide by RPG Site Staff on 05 February, 2018

Seeing different quests that require different Hunter Ranks can be intimidating - this is how the system works.
guide by James Galizio on 02 February, 2018

Where to find these vital upgrade items - the Monster Hardbone and Monster Bone Plus.
guide by RPG Site Staff on 02 February, 2018

In dire need of that Wingdrake Hide? We can tell you where to find it.
guide by RPG Site Staff on 01 February, 2018

How to get your hands on those precious Wyvern Gems for crafting and upgrades.
guide by RPG Site Staff on 31 January, 2018

How to get your hands on some very handy items as a commemorative gift from Capcom - free!
guide by John Davison on 31 January, 2018

Tracking down herbivore eggs and wyvern eggs can be a pain - and escorting them even more so. Here's some eggsellent tips. Ahem.
guide by RPG Site Staff on 29 January, 2018

Rotten Vale has some really nasty toxic gas. Here's how to take care of that.
guide by Kite Stenbuck on 29 January, 2018

Looking for Hornetaur Shells and Wings? We've got you covered.
guide by RPG Site Staff on 28 January, 2018

Monster Hunter World's preorder bonus doesn't just pop into your inventory, but if you're wondering where they are, here's how to grab them.
guide by RPG Site Staff on 25 January, 2018

The trophy and achievements are here, for you trophy hunters about to embark on some monster hunting.
guide by RPG Site Staff on 24 January, 2018