Shadow of the Colossus Guides

Tips and tricks for battling colossi, a full walkthrough and a full list of time attack unlockables. What more could you want?
guide by RPG Site Staff on 06 February, 2018

The time has come. In this final part of our walkthrough, we show you how to take down the sixteenth and final colossus.
guide by RPG Site Staff on 05 February, 2018

Wander's journey nears its end, and so to does our guide. Here's how to battle the thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth colossus.
guide by RPG Site Staff on 04 February, 2018

It's time to engage the Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth Colossi in battle - here's how to track and take them down.
guide by RPG Site Staff on 04 February, 2018

In part 3 of our Colossus-smashing guide, we tackle the Seventh, Eighth, and Ninth Colossi.
guide by RPG Site Staff on 04 February, 2018

Part two of our walkthrough series sees us take on the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Colossi in Shadow of the Colossus.
guide by RPG Site Staff on 04 February, 2018

In this walkthrough series, we show you how to locate and defeat every colossus. Here's part one - the First, Second, and Third colossi.
guide by RPG Site Staff on 03 February, 2018