Persona 3 Reload: Mitsuru Kirijo (Empress) social link choices guide
Of all of the friendships with your fellow SEES members in Persona 3 Reload, the Mitsuru Kirijo social link is arguably the most elusive. You'll spend the majority of the game unable to start a proper friendship with Mitsuru, and when she's finally available there's then further requirements to fulfill in order to kick off the Empress Arcana link. That doesn't leave much time to rank it up or take it to a romance; but luckily for you this Mitsuru S-Link guide has all of the dialogue solutions to impress this ice queen.
It's important to note that this guide is built specifically for Persona 3 Reload - and while it will function somewhat for older versions of the game, we suggest you hop over to our P3 Portable Mitsuru guide if you're playing Portable or FES. If you're playing the newly remade P3 Reload you're in the right place, however, and should use this guide alongside our social link choices guides for every other character, and if you also want scheduling help with our 100% Max S-Link walkthrough.
Mitsuru S-Link Guide - Empress (Persona 3 Reload)
All of the social links within Persona 3 Reload rank up the same way - by increasing a hidden stat for that S-Link that we on RPG SIte have taken to calling 'Affection Points'. Every time you spend time with a character, your Affection Points with them rise - and if you say the right things in the dialogue choices during each hangout, you'll get bonus affection points, which helps you to rank up more quickly. That's what this Mitsuru social link guide is for - it features all dialogue choices for every rank of the Empress Arcana S-Link. Follow along to maximize the value of each and every hang-out.
Some housekeeping notes; first, we've tried to make the guide as spoiler-free as possible. Second, and more important, the number values next to the dialogue below represents how many bonus points that answer is worth. The numbers we've printed include the Arcana Bonus, however. To get that you must ensure you have an Empress Persona in your current stock whenever spending time with Mitsuru. If you do that, all the numbers will match up to this guide. Finally - don't forget Mitsuru is a romanceable character, and this guide will help you to take it romantic if that's what you want.

Key Information about Mitsuru Kirijo
- Prerequisite: Academics Rank 6 (Genius). Unavailable until December due to story reasons.
- Available Days: Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturdays, in the daytime.
- Location: In front of the Faculty Office at the school.
- Possible Love Interest: Yes
- Max Social Link Persona: Alilat
Social Link Choices
- Unlock & Rank 1
- Rank 2
- Rank 3
- Rank 4
- Rank 5
- Rank 6
- Rank 7
- Rank 8
- Rank 9
- MAX Rank 10 Romance / Rank 10 Platonic
Unlocking Social Link & Rank 1
In order to unlock Mitsuru's Empress Social Link, you will need Academics Rank 6 (Genius). Academics is the hardest Social Stat to max out, requiring far more points than either Charm or Courage, so this will require a lot of time spend studying in the months leading up to December. Starting in December, you will be able to find her in front of the Faculty Office at the High School — even though she may appear beforehand, she will be too preoccupied to spend time with you until then.
Rank 1 → Rank 2
Neither choice will impact your relationship with Mitsuru.
Rank 2 → Rank 3
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
- Sometimes my own ignorance truly astounds me...
- "Why not give it a try?" +1
- Maybe he's just maturing...
- "Are you happy?" +3
- It's the most peculiar feeling.
- "Maybe you're anxious." +1
Rank 3 → Rank 4
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
- In just a short while, we'll be looking back on these days with nostalgia.
- "Did something happen?" +1
- What does marriage mean to you?
- "It's all for love." +3
Rank 4 → Rank 5
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
- It seems a lot of thought goes into the design and construction of a movie theater.
- "Glad you enjoyed it." +3
- She's likely more suited to riding a motorcycle than I am, as well.
- "You're not suited?" +1
- Well, fantasizing can be fun in its own way.
- "Let's go for a ride." +3
Rank 5 → Rank 6
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
- ,,,,,,
- "Need some help?" +1
- This is the best solution for everyone involved...
- "Is it really?" +1
- So...I won't run from my fate.
- "Are you sure about this?" +1
- "I'll do something about it." +3 (Potential romance flag.)
Rank 6 → Rank 7
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
- that too selfish a request?
- "I don't mind at all." +3
Rank 7 → Rank 8
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
- Talking to you has become something of an outlet for me. Heh, I'm sure you're sick of it by now.
- "Vent all you want." +1
- Ah...Keep in mind, this is a what-if scenario.
- "That's up to you." (Potential romance flag.)
- How dare you say that?
- "Don't insult her father!" +3
- Please excuse me.
- "Don't give in." +3
Rank 8 → Rank 9
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
- I'm sorry for what happened last time.
- "It made me happy." +3
- ...I feel like I'm going to die of embarassment.
- "I love you too." (Romance)
- "I'm sorry but..." (Platonic)
Rank 9 → Rank 10 (Romance)
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
- I'll be looking forward to it.
- "I'm fine with the back." +1
Rank 9 → Rank 10 (Platonic)
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
- The battery and tire pressure look good... And I've already changed the oil, so that's fine.
- "Impressive" +1
- "looks like fun." +1
- When this is all over, let's take this motorcycle and go on a trip somewhere together.
- "Great idea." +2