Persona 3 Reload: Keisuke Hiraga (Fortune) social link choices & unlock guide
It wouldn't truly be a Persona game if one of the friendships didn't involve you getting caught up in somebody's family drama, and in Persona 3 Reload that storyline belongs to the Keisuke Hiraga social link, which represents the Fortune Arcana of Persona. As always, advancing this S-Link will reveal an interesting story, but it'll also give you Persona fusion bonuses. This Keisuke S-Link guide is here to give you all of the dialogue choices you need in order to advance the S-Link and have it hit max rank quickly.
As with all of the other S-Links in Reload, this storyline also appears in other versionf of Persona 3 - but we must stress that this specific guide is built for the version of the story in Persona 3 Reload only, as it's slightly different. If you want a guide for another version, hit up our Keisuke P3 Portable page instead. For Reload, you'll want to use this guide alongside the rest of our Persona 3 Reload Social Link guides, and quite possibly our 100% Max Social Link schedule.
Keisuke S-Link Guide - Fortune (Persona 3 Reload)
The social link system in Persona 3 Reload functions similarly to other games. Hidden behind-the-scenes is a stat we call Affection Points - this is a counter of your closeness with a character, and determines when each S-Link ranks up. Spending time with a link raises your affection points, while making the right dialogue choices during hangouts offers bonus points - speeding up how quickly the link rises towards the maximum rank of 10. This guide has all dialogue options needed to extract the maximum bonus points, which will lead to you maxing out the Keisuke social link nice and quickly.
This page has designed to be as spoiler-free as possible while giving you the information you need. As a side note, we list bonus point values next to the answers listed below - but keep in mind those point totals include the Arcana Bonus. You secure this by having a matching Persona with you when hanging out - so for Keisuke, that's a Fortune Arcana Persona. Take a trip to the Velvet Room before hanging out, basically.

Key Information about Keisuke Hiraga
- Prerequisite: Starting on June 17th
- Available Days: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday in the daytime.
- Location: Art Club
- Possible Love Interest: No
Social Link Choices
Unlocking Social Link & Rank 1
Starting on June 17th, you'll hear rumors about the clubs opening up. Unlike the original or portable version, you can only apply to the art clubs. Joining the art club will start the Fortune Social Link.
Rank 1 → Rank 2
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
- All choices at this Rank have no effect; answer however you like.
Rank 2 → Rank 3
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
- It really helped apply the paint to the canvas, so I'm sure that's the only reason the judges even noticed.
- “You've got talent” +3
Rank 3 → Rank 4
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
- Did you... hear everything.
- “You're pulling out of the contest” +1
- I have my own dreams too, you know! Ugh, I can't stand it anymore!
- “So you're just going to take it?” +1
Rank 4 → Rank 5
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
- Wait. Then...that means...
- "You should tell your dad!" +3
Rank 5 → Rank 6
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
- I just don't know what to think.
- "It's your choice now." +3
Rank 6 → Rank 7
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
- It's like he's suddenly trying to be more understanding. It's weird.
- "Do you want to be a doctor?" +3
Rank 7 → Rank 8
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
- Can you remember your name?
- "It's okay, I'm fine." +3
Rank 8 → Rank 9
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
- Tell the others I said goodbye!
- "You can't go!" +3
Rank 9 → Rank 10
The following choices can impact your relationship with this rank.
- That's why I want you to have it.
- "Stop relying on others." +1
- I-I'm not coming off as arrogant, am I?
- "Not at all." +3
Phone Calls
- 8/05 - D-Do you think it's okay for me to be in the finals?
- “Yeah, you just did your best.” +3
- “Believe in yourself more.” +3