Milla returns in Tales of Xillia 2

Scans from Japan have revealed that Milla, Tales of Xillia's female protagonist, will be making a return in Tales of Xillia 2. Although her role in the story is unknown, she's described as stubbron and prideful swordsman. Milla also seems to have matured a bit since the last time as she looks a tad older in the art as well as having some physical changes. 

In addition to Milla's reveal, the game received an artwork featuring the cast of Xillia 2. Including Ludger, Elle, and the previous playable party of the original game. Included in the art are two characters that look like Gaius and Muse, also two characters from the original game. While it's yet to be confirmed we can speculate that they could possibly be playble. Lastly, Ludger appears partially in his normal human form while the other half is covered in Corpse Shell.

Tales of Xillia 2 is the direct sequel of Tales of Xillia taking place a few years after the original. Featuring a new  protagonist and numerous changes in narrative and gameplay. The game is set to launch later thi year.

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