Articles by Simon Chun

Choose your job and embark on a boring adventure
review by Simon Chun on 04 February, 2016

This narrative isn’t the most enticing, but it’s a serviceable story that will keep players intrigued from beginning to end.
review by Simon Chun on 13 November, 2015

Farming can be a chore, but not always.
review by Simon Chun on 13 May, 2015

Delve into the wonderful, and horrifying, world of Aincrad.
review by Simon Chun on 22 August, 2014

It's finally here. Better looking too
news by Simon Chun on 10 June, 2014

Perfect timing wouldn't you say?
news by Simon Chun on 10 June, 2014

Releasing for the PlayStation 4 in Spring 2015
news by Simon Chun on 10 June, 2014

Should you welcome the reaper?
review by Simon Chun on 24 April, 2014

Is the sequel everything we hoped it to be or is it a disappointment?
review by Simon Chun on 20 March, 2014

Haven't played the first one yet? Now you have a reason to!
news by Simon Chun on 14 February, 2014

Along with website is a whole slew of information!
news by Simon Chun on 06 January, 2014

Get ready. A new Tales is upon us.
news by Simon Chun on 04 December, 2013

What does the Director of Production at Aksys Games have to say?
interview by Simon Chun on 30 October, 2013

A complete 180 this Tales game has taken.
news by Simon Chun on 14 October, 2013

Reap all the goodies the Japanese version has and more.
news by Simon Chun on 12 October, 2013

The always enthusiastic Tales producer drops in for a chat.
interview by Simon Chun on 11 October, 2013

Pack your things and let us journey to Tyria. Together.
review by Simon Chun on 24 September, 2013

Are you excited for the game's first open beta session?
news by Simon Chun on 05 September, 2013

Is this the title of the next mothership Tales title?
news by Simon Chun on 05 September, 2013

Teaser now. Full trailer later
news by Simon Chun on 14 August, 2013

After two long years, the west finally experiences Tales of Xillia but is it worth your time? Check our video and written review for our verdict.
review by Simon Chun on 06 August, 2013

The game launches very soon but until then, how about a lengthy gameplay preview?
news by Simon Chun on 04 August, 2013

Introducing Ivar and Muzet
news by Simon Chun on 26 July, 2013