Interviews by Erren Van Duine

Rune Factory: Guardians of Azuma Interview – Talking a new twist on the series with producer Hisashi Fuji
Rune Factory: Guardians of Azuma Interview – Talking a new twist on the series with producer Hisashi Fuji

Guardians of Azuma brings some fresh ideas and twists to the established farming simulator RPG. We sat down with the game's producer to discuss what's new.

interview by Erren Van Duine on 21 March, 2025

Interview with Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 producer Masayuki Hirano
Interview with Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 producer Masayuki Hirano

We sat down with Bandai Namco to get the latest on the popular Dragon Ball Xenoverse series.

interview by Erren Van Duine on 24 June, 2016

Returning West: An Interview with the Developers of Dragon Quest Heroes
Returning West: An Interview with the Developers of Dragon Quest Heroes

After a long hiatus, Dragon Quest is finally back.

interview by Erren Van Duine on 09 July, 2015

World of Final Fantasy Interview with Director Hiroki Chiba
World of Final Fantasy Interview with Director Hiroki Chiba

We get the scoop on a brand new FF collaboration.

interview by Erren Van Duine on 30 June, 2015

Talking Frozen, Philosophy & more with Kingdom Hearts 2.5 & 3's Co-Director
Talking Frozen, Philosophy & more with Kingdom Hearts 2.5 & 3's Co-Director

We catch up with new Kingdom Hearts co-honcho Tai Yasue, and, yes, we ask him about Star Wars.

interview by Alex Donaldson and Erren Van Duine on 01 July, 2014

Catching up with Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Director Naoki Yoshida
Catching up with Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Director Naoki Yoshida

We grab Naoki Yoshida and chat to him about FF14's future after a successful relaunch.

interview by Erren Van Duine on 22 June, 2014

E3 2013: Final Fantasy X & X-2 HD Remaster Developer Interview
E3 2013: Final Fantasy X & X-2 HD Remaster Developer Interview

We chat about the challenges of remastering FFX and what it holds for the future.

interview by Erren Van Duine on 17 June, 2013

E3 2013: Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII Developer Interview
E3 2013: Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII Developer Interview

We sit down with Yoshinori Kitase and Motomu Toriyama to discuss new developments.

interview by Erren Van Duine on 16 June, 2013

Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Developer Interview
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Developer Interview

We're back again to unlock the mysteries behind FFXIV's new vision.

interview by Erren Van Duine on 30 July, 2012

E3 2012: Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Developer Interview
E3 2012: Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Developer Interview

RPG? Rhythm game? We find out the truth.

interview by Erren Van Duine on 18 June, 2012

E3 2012: Kingdom Hearts 3D Developer Interview
E3 2012: Kingdom Hearts 3D Developer Interview

We chat with co-director Tai Yasue about all things Kingdom Hearts 3D.

interview by Erren Van Duine on 18 June, 2012

E3 2012: Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Interview
E3 2012: Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Interview

We talk localization, partnering with Level-5 and more.

interview by Erren Van Duine on 15 June, 2012

E3 2012: Final Fantasy XIV Developer Interview
E3 2012: Final Fantasy XIV Developer Interview

We're back again with a brief look at version 2.0.

interview by Erren Van Duine on 11 June, 2012

Final Fantasy XIV Interview with Producer/Director Naoki Yoshida
Final Fantasy XIV Interview with Producer/Director Naoki Yoshida

Yoshida-san talks in depth about FFXIV's failures and the future of the game.

interview by Erren Van Duine on 19 October, 2011

Final Fantasy Tactics iOS Interview
Final Fantasy Tactics iOS Interview

We spend a few moments with Takehiro Ando, the game's producer on the challenges and benefits of developing for Apple's mobile platform.

interview by Erren Van Duine on 04 August, 2011

E3 2011: Final Fantasy XIII-2 Developer Interview
E3 2011: Final Fantasy XIII-2 Developer Interview

Kitase and Toriyama speak out for the first time since the game's unveiling in January.

interview by Erren Van Duine on 09 June, 2011