Previews by Kite Stenbuck

Nelke & the Legendary Alchemists: Hands-On Impressions from TGS 2018
While town building and crossover conversations are things to look forward to, the exploration and battle systems might come off a bit too simple.
preview by Kite Stenbuck on 23 September, 2018

God Eater 3 Hands-On Impressions from TGS 2018
By combining features from past titles and adding more into the mix, the newest sequel promises even more exciting fast-paced actions.
preview by Kite Stenbuck on 23 September, 2018

TGS 2017: Code Vein Hands-on Impressions
We had the chance to try out the First Blood Version of the game available to demo at Tokyo Game Show.
preview by Kite Stenbuck on 23 September, 2017