Guides by Kite Stenbuck

The game barely makes any mention of these hidden abilities, but this guide will help you find them.
guide by Kite Stenbuck on 17 August, 2022

Expeditions help the protagonist improve support levels with other characters, and this guide will help you optimize those gains.
guide by Kite Stenbuck on 14 July, 2022

The Dancer class requires a specific method to unlock, and here's how you do it.
guide by Kite Stenbuck on 03 July, 2022

Just like Three Houses, each character in this game has their own list of preferred gifts. Here's how to make everybody very happy with a gift or two.
guide by Kite Stenbuck on 03 July, 2022

Each character has their own strong points, and you can improve them even further to the way of your liking.
guide by Kite Stenbuck on 14 February, 2019

While the game's tutorial doesn't really cover this aspect, you can utilize commands to manage your team's movements.
guide by Kite Stenbuck on 14 February, 2019

Nelke can build legacy Atelier title-related landmarks by befriending certain characters.
guide by Kite Stenbuck on 07 December, 2018

How to play the new event quest to take down Kulve Taroth, as explained by Famitsu.
guide by Kite Stenbuck on 31 October, 2018

Between USS Laffey, HMS Javelin, and the other destroyer, we take a deep look at the strengths of each candidate.
guide by Kite Stenbuck on 17 August, 2018

From assembling, painting, to posing and screenshot taking.
guide by Kite Stenbuck on 13 May, 2018

Get your hands on the bow and armor made famous by Horizon Zero Dawn's Aloy in Monster Hunter World's latest event quest.
guide by Kite Stenbuck on 27 February, 2018

Rotten Vale has some really nasty toxic gas. Here's how to take care of that.
guide by Kite Stenbuck on 29 January, 2018

We detail every character in Fire Emblem Warriors - the best, the worst, how to unlock them and what weapons they use.
guide by Kite Stenbuck on 23 October, 2017

Don't get lost in the sea of skills.
guide by Kite Stenbuck on 23 October, 2017