Features by Kyle Campbell

Several underlying flaws in Anthem keep it from being something you'll want to invest heavily in.
feature by Kyle Campbell on 26 February, 2019

An unforgettable concert that celebrates everything that makes Kingdom Hearts so appealing to new and old fans alike.
feature by Kyle Campbell and Natalie Flores on 11 June, 2018

The PC port of Nioh is playable but has some big shortcomings.
feature by Kyle Campbell on 07 November, 2017

Final Fantasy IX is perfectly playable on PS4, but not without a few faults.
feature by Kyle Campbell on 25 September, 2017

Now that Persona 5 is behind us, we’re beginning to think about what we’d like to see going forward.
feature by Josh Torres and Kyle Campbell on 29 May, 2017

Behind the science fiction spectacle of Nier Automata is a story about how complicated relationships can be.
feature by Kyle Campbell on 23 April, 2017

This DLC is a bit tricky to access, but fret not, we're here to help!
feature by Kyle Campbell on 27 March, 2017

Kyle Campbell takes a look back on Mass Effect 3 and argues for why it is a fitting finale to the original Mass Effect trilogy.
feature by Kyle Campbell on 30 July, 2016

Kyle talks about Persona 4 and why it resonates for him.
feature by Kyle Campbell on 12 February, 2016

Kyle Campbell expresses concern about the future of Dark Souls and Bloodborne.
feature by Kyle Campbell on 16 January, 2016