Articles by Kyle Campbell

The game director of Final Fantasy XIV talks about patch 5.3 and what's to come next for the popular MMORPG.
interview by Kyle Campbell on 07 October, 2020

Between some brilliant dice-rolling mechanics and deep tactical combat, Baldur's Gate 3 is shaping up to be an amazing RPG.
preview by Kyle Campbell on 06 October, 2020

The translation from Switch to PC only exacerbates Octopath Traveler's underlying flaws.
review by Kyle Campbell on 18 June, 2019

A Plague Tale: Innocence tells a magnificent story about hope shining through no matter how bleak life might be.
review by Kyle Campbell on 15 May, 2019

VA-11 HALL-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action is a unique take on the traditional visual novel that's greater than the sum of its parts
review by Kyle Campbell on 01 May, 2019

Several underlying flaws in Anthem keep it from being something you'll want to invest heavily in.
feature by Kyle Campbell on 26 February, 2019

We got to try the game at PAX West 2018, and it's shaping up to be pretty good.
preview by Kyle Campbell on 09 September, 2018

We sat down with the legendary game developer and talked about his life, memories of Killer 7, and his hopes to inspire others.
interview by Kyle Campbell on 04 September, 2018

Lab Zero takes their first go at an RPG and the results are quite promising.
preview by Kyle Campbell on 04 September, 2018

We got to go hands-on with the new Torchlight at PAX and came away quite pleased with what was there.
preview by Kyle Campbell on 03 September, 2018

The Good Life is full of charming hooks despite the early demo lacking content.
news by Kyle Campbell on 01 September, 2018

Monster Hunter: World finally arrives on PC with an excellent port that was well worth the extra development time.
review by Kyle Campbell on 07 August, 2018

At E3 2018, we sat down with Director Takeshi Uchikawa and producers Yosuke Saito and Hokuto Okamoto about the next entry in the legendary RPG series.
interview by Kyle Campbell on 16 June, 2018

Prepare to hunt monsters in Hydaelyn.
news by Kyle Campbell on 11 June, 2018

An unforgettable concert that celebrates everything that makes Kingdom Hearts so appealing to new and old fans alike.
feature by Kyle Campbell and Natalie Flores on 11 June, 2018

Take your adventures in Tameriel with you on your phone soon, VR and consoles later.
news by Kyle Campbell on 11 June, 2018

Vampyr is ambitious for sure, but with ambition comes risk, and unfortunately, here it provides very little in the way of rewards.
review by Kyle Campbell on 04 June, 2018

Shadow Of The Colossus is a magnificent game with an atmosphere that becomes all the more intoxicating the longer you breath it in.
review by Kyle Campbell on 30 January, 2018

Slicing up creepy titans on the go
news by Kyle Campbell on 19 January, 2018

World Of Final Fantasy makes its way onto PC, but stumbles a bit in the process.
review by Kyle Campbell on 22 November, 2017

The PC port of Nioh is playable but has some big shortcomings.
feature by Kyle Campbell on 07 November, 2017

Final Fantasy IX is perfectly playable on PS4, but not without a few faults.
feature by Kyle Campbell on 25 September, 2017

Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony will test your patience in more ways than one, and rarely does so for good reason.
review by Kyle Campbell on 19 September, 2017

A full remake of Yakuza 2 is headed to the PS4.
news by Kyle Campbell on 25 August, 2017

A fantastic jumping on point for newcomers and appealing to long time fans as well. Prepare for a night on the town with Kamurocho's finest.
review by Kyle Campbell on 21 August, 2017