Reviews by Zack Reese

After a long period of development, this may be one of the breakout indie titles of the year.
review by Zack Reese on 22 September, 2018

With its incredibly likable cast of characters, polished mechanics, and grander story, this entry represents the best the series has ever been.
review by Zack Reese on 11 September, 2018

A breathtaking adventure that takes a grim and depressing story with highly engaging combat to create a hidden gem well worth experiencing.
review by Zack Reese on 27 August, 2018

Yu Suzuki's magnum opus may still retain many of its core flaws, but this remains a series that is well worth experiencing for yourself.
review by Zack Reese on 24 August, 2018

Despite some shortcomings, there's plenty of content here to satisfy any Shin Megami Tensei fan's cravings.
review by Zack Reese on 24 July, 2018

If you are looking for a JRPG that encapsulates the summer vacation experience, this one may very well be for you.
review by Zack Reese on 09 July, 2018

With its bland story and uninteresting characters, this is a series that is in a dire need of a substantive reboot.
review by Zack Reese on 13 May, 2018

Bleak, stressful, morally challenging, and above all else, an addictive city-building survival game well worth your time.
review by Zack Reese on 26 April, 2018

Are the changes introduced in this re-release make it worth a purchase?
review by Zack Reese on 23 April, 2018

The series makes its debut on a Microsoft console, but how does it hold up? Very well, you'd be glad to hear.
review by Zack Reese on 10 April, 2018

Thanks to its striking visual style and dark storytelling, this dystopian RPG is worth checking out.
review by Zack Reese on 30 March, 2018

How can an average game get worse? This sequel will show you how.
review by Zack Reese on 26 March, 2018

Thanks to its heartwarming characters, whimsical soundtrack, and gorgeous visuals that are simply a treat to look at, there is much to appreciate in this sequel.
review by Zack Reese on 19 March, 2018

This is an example of a sequel that improves upon its predecessor in almost every possible way.
review by Zack Reese on 15 March, 2018

It's still one for the fans, but this may be the best adaptation of the license yet.
review by Zack Reese on 26 February, 2018

This transition from 2D to 3D feels clunky and uninspired, but it still has a few bright spots.
review by Zack Reese on 19 February, 2018

Tokyo RPG Factory plays it safe in this follow-up to I Am Setsuna, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.
review by Zack Reese on 22 January, 2018

If you're willing to put up with a few gameplay flaws, uneven game balancing, and an unsightly user interface, this is one RPG that belongs in your collection.
review by Zack Reese on 19 December, 2017

Its bleak story and strong ambiance will do a number on your emotions in this nerve-wracking adventure.
review by Zack Reese on 23 October, 2017

A charming adventure with a whimsical soundtrack hamstrung by a few odd quirks.
review by Zack Reese on 12 October, 2017

A huge graphical overhaul and a nice script helps the series keep its charm, but it doesn't solve some of the inherent issues therein.
review by Zack Reese on 06 October, 2017

Complemented by a strong sense of style in its gorgeous presentation, this is one of the stronger titles in Gust's library.
review by Zack Reese on 26 September, 2017

A gratifying love letter to fans that appeals mostly to those who also enjoy the Dynasty Warriors series.
review by Zack Reese on 23 September, 2017

A cool art aesthetic and interesting mechanics can't help this game from feeling like a letdown.
review by Zack Reese on 19 September, 2017

One of the best-told stories in years provides a very satisfying conclusion to the Utawarerumono series.
review by Zack Reese on 13 September, 2017