Star Wars: The Old Republic Articles

The Old Republic's 'gay paywall' is far worse than its planetary segregation
Why you should get mad about having to pay, not the gay planet.
feature by Alex Donaldson on 15 January, 2013

The Old Republic Interview: Bioware's Jeff Hickman
Bioware's Executive Producer of Live Services Jeff Hickman chats to us about the future of TOR and the MMO genre.
interview by Alex Donaldson on 23 August, 2012

RPGSite at E3 2011: Our Most Anticipated Games
With E3 2011 days away, we reveal what we're most looking forward to seeing at the show.
feature by Alex Donaldson on 02 June, 2011

Star Wars: The Old Republic Preview
We take a look at the massively multiplayer successor to the classic Knights of the Old Republic titles and see how Bioware are working to bring the game into the online arena.
preview by Alex Donaldson on 07 June, 2009