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Darksiders reviews and features

We take a look at Darksiders, the first big game of 2010. It has questionable status as an RPG, but does it have questionable status as a quality game?
review by Alex Donaldson on 07 January, 2010

Liam stops by to talk about voicing Caius Ballad in Final Fantasy XIII-2, directing Resident Evil 5 and The Darkside Chronicles, and writing the X-Men anime.

THQ's latest RPG lets you play as one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse - a pretty awesome concept - but is it as fun as the premise suggests? Katie checks it out.
preview by Katie Punsly on 07 August, 2009
Latest Darksiders news and info

After releasing on Wii U in 2017, it looks like Darksiders is soon heading to Switch.
news by Adam Vitale on 30 January, 2019

Darksiders also receives Xbox One X enhancements.
news by Bryan Vitale on 11 April, 2018

We talk about the Persona 5 delay, NIS America's announcements, and more!
podcast by Zack Reese on 20 November, 2016

Vigil's awesome mythology-based adventure series might live to ride another day, it seems.
news by Alex Donaldson on 12 May, 2014

Ahead of our review later today, we update the Darksiders Media Vault.
news by Alex Donaldson on 07 January, 2010