Star Ocean The Divine Force Articles

Christmas is over and the New Year is upon us. For me, Motoi Sakuraba has a hit list of wintery themes to help bide time until spring.
feature by Paul Shkreli on 02 January, 2024

While Square Enix could have - should have - better spaced out their releases in 2022, it's hard to deny how memorable it made the year for fans of RPGs.
feature by James Galizio on 14 March, 2023

Star Ocean: The Divine Force is developer tri-Ace's latest foray into the stars with this latest entry of their long-running science fiction RPG series, and after a rocky previous entry, this new game may have righted the ship towards a bright future.
review by Scott White on 10 November, 2022

Star Ocean: The Divine Force has been a long wait for players, and we had the chance to ask Tri-Ace about the journey it took to get here.
interview by James Galizio on 01 November, 2022

Despite a few technical hiccups, Star Ocean has never felt quite so ambitious.
preview by James Galizio on 15 September, 2022

With the sixth mainline entry of Star Ocean to land this year, Adam shares his hopes for Star Ocean The Divine Force in his wishlist.
feature by Adam Vitale on 22 February, 2022