Lufia: Curse of the Sinistrals - Latest Updates
Lufia: Curse of the Sinistrals reviews and features

What did you guys do to Maxim?!
preview by Zack Reese on 18 July, 2010
Latest Lufia: Curse of the Sinistrals news and info

The phoenix rises from the ashes October 19th.
news by Zack Reese on 09 September, 2010

Even more screens from the Japanese version of the remake of Lufia II.
news by Alex Donaldson on 11 February, 2010

85 new screenshots of Square Enix's remake of the SNES classic Lufia II.
news by Alex Donaldson on 19 January, 2010

New screens of Estpolis, which is the remake of Lufia: Rise of the Sinistrals.
news by Alex Donaldson on 13 January, 2010

A remake of the classic Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals for the SNES is coming to the Nintendo DS.
news by Zack Reese on 24 November, 2009