Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion Guides

Tracking down all of the Wutai Spies in Crisis Core will net you valuable rewards. Here's the locations.
guide by Alex Donaldson on 05 January, 2023

Here's how the new Crisis Core Buster Sword Proficiency works, and how to level it up to unlock new skills.
guide by Alex Donaldson on 05 January, 2023

Once Zack's story is over, you can play it again in the Crisis Core New Game Plus. Here's what carries over, and what to do.
guide by Alex Donaldson on 05 January, 2023

Here's how to find the Magic Pot summon in Crisis Core, and how to successfully recruit it.
guide by Alex Donaldson on 27 December, 2022

Here's where to get and what to do with some of Crisis Core's stranger loot items like the Gold Rolling Pin and Tissues.
guide by Alex Donaldson on 27 December, 2022

You'll need to go above and beyond to build Aerith three Flower Wagons. This Crisis Core Wagon instructions guide will help you do that.
guide by Alex Donaldson on 27 December, 2022

Here's how and where to get Costly Punch, one of the best Materia in the game - as loot, or via Materia Fusion.
guide by Alex Donaldson on 24 December, 2022

If you're struggling to get the right Materia load out, here's some suggestions for the Best Materia in Crisis Core for your build.
guide by Alex Donaldson on 24 December, 2022

Breaking the Damage limit in Crisis Core can let you deal up to ten times the normal maximum. Here's how.
guide by Alex Donaldson on 24 December, 2022

Here's how to break the HP, MP, and AP Limits and give Zack mega stats.
guide by Alex Donaldson on 24 December, 2022

Here's how the Crisis Core DMW system works, plus how to unlock every character, summon, limit break - and level them all to 100%.
guide by Alex Donaldson on 24 December, 2022

How do you level up in Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII? The answer is more random than you'd think.
guide by Scott White on 24 December, 2022

If you have the Dresser Key, here's where to use it. If not, here's where to get it in Crisis Core.
guide by Alex Donaldson on 24 December, 2022

If you want to join all 5 of the Crisis Core fan clubs, you'll need to follow these steps closely.
guide by Alex Donaldson on 24 December, 2022

Here's how to unlock Mission 10-1 in Crisis Core - and in turn, get Cactaur as a summon.
guide by Alex Donaldson on 24 December, 2022

Solving the Seven Wonders of Nibelheim in Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII carries useful rewards - so here's the solutions to all of them.
guide by Alex Donaldson on 23 December, 2022

When Zack catches the anti-Shinra reporter, should he report him or let him go free? Here's the answer.
guide by Alex Donaldson on 23 December, 2022

The Shinra Manor Safe is there as an enticing mystery once again in Crisis Core Reunion - here's how to get the Nibelheim Safe Code to open it.
guide by Alex Donaldson and Scott White on 22 December, 2022

This minor puzzle in Chapter 6's Mondeoheim Bathhouse requires you to find and use a Boiler Handle for a Materia Reward. Here's how it works.
guide by Alex Donaldson on 18 December, 2022

The Crisis Core Sea Hulk encounter is a legitimate pain - but here's some tips for beating this beach-bound Behemoth.
guide by Alex Donaldson on 18 December, 2022

For Zack to have access to all the items he needs, you'll need to unlock all of the Crisis Core shops. Here's how.
guide by Alex Donaldson on 16 December, 2022

If you're looking for FF7 Rebirth hints, the Crisis Core Reunion ending isn't going to help you.
guide by Alex Donaldson on 15 December, 2022

Here's all of the Crisis Core missable content, plus a note on points of no return.
guide by Alex Donaldson on 15 December, 2022

One quick trick to Master Materia without even touching the controller. Crisis Core's developers hate it!
guide by Scott White on 13 December, 2022

By getting the Cursed Ring, you can turn off the DMW and make Crisis Core FF7 a completely different - and much more difficult - game.
guide by Scott White on 12 December, 2022

Zack is a squatting expert, just like Cloud in FF7. But the Crisis Core Squats mini game is hard - here's some tips, plus its rewards in detail.
guide by Alex Donaldson on 12 December, 2022