Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion News

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion gets a launch trailer ahead of December 13 release
A final story-filled trailer has us bracing for emotional impact.
news by Bryan Vitale on 04 December, 2022

Square Enix shares action-packed trailer Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion, along with Console & PC specs and a lengthy FAQ
A lot of new information for this upcoming remaster/remake/re-release.
news by Adam Vitale on 18 November, 2022

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion launches on December 13; more details on characters, combat, and summons
Square Enix details more characters, combat, summons, and more
news by James Galizio on 13 September, 2022

Square Enix details Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion
Learn about the cast, changes made from the PSP version, and more.
news by Adam Vitale on 08 July, 2022

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion is a new HD Remaster for PlayStation, Xbox, Switch, and PC
Zack Fair's adventure on PSP finally arrives on modern platforms.
news by Josh Torres and Alex Donaldson on 16 June, 2022