Atelier Marie Remake: The Alchemist of Salburg Articles

This remake of the very first game, now titled Atelier Marie Remake: The Alchemist of Salburg, is both an opportunity for new fans and old to see where it all began. Like the original, it has a pretty small scope, however, it is a mostly relaxing experience.
review by Paige Chamberlain on 12 July, 2023

Working towards worldwide releases for RPGs is a noble goal, but not all releases are equal
feature by James Galizio on 15 June, 2023

We had the chance to ask the Head of Gust some questions on the upcoming remake of the original Atelier game.
interview by James Galizio on 15 June, 2023

Atelier Marie Remake is shaping up to be a gorgeous treat to explore the origins of the Atelier series, although you'll have to manage time and money.
preview by Paige Chamberlain on 11 May, 2023