Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate - Latest Updates
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate reviews and features

There are a lot of RPGs coming this year, believe it or not!
feature by Zack Reese on 28 January, 2013
Latest Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate news and info

Finally, a way to stare at Ludroths without getting your face ripped off.
news by Elizabeth Henges on 01 February, 2014

A patch to add some nifty features.
news by David Kreinberg on 11 April, 2013

Introducing the flagship monster: Brachydios.
news by David Kreinberg on 08 February, 2013

Don't mess with Zinogres.
news by David Kreinberg on 20 November, 2012

Downloadable content will also be included on disc.
news by Erren Van Duine on 25 October, 2012

Also Japanese box art.
news by David Kreinberg on 16 October, 2012

A better look at the 3DS to Wii U upconversion.
news by Erren Van Duine on 11 October, 2012

The media deluge hits the other side of the world.
news by David Kreinberg on 06 October, 2012

Looking good in HD.
news by David Kreinberg on 04 October, 2012

1080p, online support and more.
news by Erren Van Duine on 03 October, 2012