Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl News

In our latest podcast, we talk about Destiny 2, the Nintendo Direct, Falcom, Project Octopath Traveler, and much more!
podcast by Zack Reese on 16 September, 2017

Expect it to land sometime in 2014
news by Adam Vitale on 30 October, 2013

Meet Frederica and... yourself.
news by Elizabeth Henges on 21 September, 2013

Meet Raquna and Simon.
news by Elizabeth Henges on 17 September, 2013

Introducing the pink-haired powerhouse.
news by David Kreinberg on 14 September, 2013

Another day, another Etrian Odyssey Untold trailer.
news by Elizabeth Henges on 11 September, 2013

Also, learn a bit about elemental weaknesses.
news by Elizabeth Henges on 11 September, 2013

Get a taste of the series' new Story Mode.
news by Adam Vitale on 10 September, 2013

Atlus keeps the 3DS love rolling
news by Adam Vitale on 22 August, 2013

Atlus has revealed the first-print edition for this remake.
news by Adam Vitale on 09 August, 2013