Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana News

Check out the cover.
news by Josh Tolentino on 07 April, 2023

PlayStation 5 players can wander around the Isle of Seiren this November.
news by Josh Torres on 20 July, 2022

Adol finds himself in the Isle of Seiren once more on the PlayStation 5.
news by Josh Torres on 31 March, 2022

Four NISA-published Falcom titles to release for the streaming service in the next few months.
news by Adam Vitale on 25 March, 2021

PC Players might want to take a second look at this title.
news by Adam Vitale on 17 January, 2020

Localization of Trails of Cold Steel series and more are also covered in Nihon Falcom's yearly financial report.
news by Kite Stenbuck on 08 November, 2018

New podcast time! We run through Wild Arms: Million Memories, Dragalia Lost, Yakuza Studio's plans, the success of Final Fantasy XIV, and more!
podcast by Zack Reese on 01 September, 2018

Adol Christin is getting ready to set sail for new lands, with his next adventure following up on the events of Ys VIII according to Nihon Falcom President Toshihiro Kondo.
news by James Galizio on 26 August, 2018

In the latest edition of our weekly podcast, we talk Dragalia Lost, Xenoblade Chronicles 2, Eastward, SaGa Scarlet Grace, Tokyo Jungle Battle Royale, and much more!
podcast by Zack Reese on 28 April, 2018

It's yet another edition of the Tetracast, our weekly podcast! We discuss the possibility of Xenosaga HD, NISA's continued woes with Ys VIII, Disgaea 1 Complete looking purdy, and much more!
podcast by Zack Reese on 21 April, 2018