Yakuza Kiwami Guides

Yakuza Kiwami Locker Guide: locker key locations and what's inside all lockers
Find all the coin locker keys and learn what's inside every single one of Yakuza Kiwami's lockers.
guide by RPG Site Staff on 02 September, 2017

Yakuza Kiwami Pocket Circuit Guide: Racing Circuits and Strategy
Details on one of Yakuza Kiwami's tougher mini-games.
guide by RPG Site Staff on 02 September, 2017

Yakuza Kiwami Majima Everywhere Guide: Majima Locations throughout the game detailed
Rank up events, Locations, and competing with the Mad Dog of Shimano.
guide by RPG Site Staff on 01 September, 2017

Learn how to thrown down on the streets of Kamurocho in this new Yakuza Kiwami trailer
"If you want to die, come at me!"
guide by Kyle Campbell on 20 July, 2017