The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III Articles

The Trails series makes an exciting return to portable consoles.
review by Cullen Black on 26 June, 2020

The Trails series' streak on PC continues strong.
feature by Adam Vitale on 03 April, 2020

NIS America have ported Trails of Cold Steel III to Nintendo Switch, and we recently got the chance to sit down and play the new port.
preview by James Galizio on 07 February, 2020

The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III brings the Erebonia arc of the Trails series to its second half - under a new western publisher. Here's how everything turned out:
review by James Galizio on 21 October, 2019

We once again have the opportunity to check out the progress of the translation prior to launch, this time to see the title's full first hour of gameplay.
preview by James Galizio on 08 August, 2019

Right before Anime Expo, we got the chance to sit down with Nihon-Falcom President, Toshihiro Kondo, and talk about Trails of Cold Steel III, and the company's catalog as a whole.
interview by James Galizio on 12 July, 2019

NIS America have finally showcased a playable demo for their upcoming localization of the next title in the beloved Trails series - how is it stacking up?
preview by James Galizio on 12 June, 2019