Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire News

After a few years of silence, this port has been canceled.
news by Adam Vitale on 07 March, 2022

It's a good month in game pass for RPG fans.
news by Alex Donaldson on 16 March, 2021

Nintendo Switch version still yet to be dated.
news by Adam Vitale on 04 December, 2019

Featuring all major updates and expansions.
news by Adam Vitale on 20 August, 2019

The conventionally real-time-with-pause title is inserting a little bit of Divinity: Original Sin.
news by Bryan Vitale on 22 January, 2019

However, it will include all post-release updates and DLC.
news by Bryan Vitale on 14 December, 2018

Deadfire's last DLC pack comes out next month.
news by Bryan Vitale on 20 November, 2018

In our latest podcast, we chat about Microsoft maybe acquiring Obsidian, Sony letting us change our PSN IDs, the censorship of Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal, Konami reviving Suikoden's website, and more!
podcast by Zack Reese on 13 October, 2018

One of the most prolific independent developers could have itself a new parent company.
news by Zack Reese on 09 October, 2018

The update will also include an optional Challenge Mode to the game.
news by Bryan Vitale on 12 July, 2018