Lost Odyssey - Latest Updates
Lost Odyssey reviews and features

Traditional throwbacks and brilliant innovations collide in this latest JRPG offering from Mistwalker Studios.
review by Roger Broomfield on 14 April, 2009

As Lost Odyssey hits 15 years of age, it's time to face up to the fact that it's a real classic of the genre.
feature by Alex Donaldson on 06 December, 2022
Latest Lost Odyssey news and info

Merregnon: Heart of Ice is a new concert series that brings together Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, Final Fantasy, Fantasian, and all-new music from the legendary Nobuo Uematsu.
news by Alex Donaldson on 03 February, 2024

Jump Festa 2017 delivered all the news we wanted for the latest episode of our podcast!
podcast by Zack Reese on 19 December, 2016

In the latest edition of our podcast, we talk about remasters and the welcome return of a great Xbox 360 JRPG.
podcast by Zack Reese on 09 October, 2016

Sakaguchi has shared a video for his canceled RPG.
news by Zack Reese on 27 December, 2014

Mistwalker's new AAA RPG's storyline is almost finished.
news by Alex Donaldson on 06 January, 2010

The man who created Final Fantasy is hard at work on a new title and he's given Japanese fans an update on his progress via his blog...
news by Alex Donaldson on 26 June, 2009