Dragon Quest Builders 2 Articles

Dragon Quest Builders 2 (Steam) Review
Square Enix have delivered a mostly solid port for the fantastic Dragon Quest Builders 2.
review by James Galizio on 05 January, 2020

Dragon Quest Builders 2 Review
Dragon Quest Builders 2 improves upon the original title in a variety of ways, making for a superior sequel for the building based spin-off series.
review by Elizabeth Henges on 12 July, 2019

Dragon Quest Builders 2 Interview at E3 2019: We talk with Square Enix about the expanding world of Dragon Quest
We chat about the RPG/Builder hybrid, localization, and more.
interview by Adam Vitale on 19 June, 2019

Dragon Quest Builders 2 Hands-On Impressions from E3 2019
We put our workman gloves and took a look at some of what's new in Dragon Quest Builders 2.
preview by James Galizio on 16 June, 2019