Mini Medals have become a staple collectible for the Dragon Quest Series and they have even been in previous versions of Dragon Quest III. For Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake, the medals return once again. There are 110 Mini Medals to find in total. Turning in medals is a good way to earn new gear and accessories, including a couple that give rewards you can only get in this way.
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Mini Medals can be found in treasure chests, pots, cabinets and drawers, and sometimes even completely hidden. For what it's worth, many mini medals are in different spots compared to older versions of Dragon Quest III.
We'll list here where to find each Mini Medal, how to pick up rewards for finding them, and what rewards can be earned for each Mini Medal found.
Trying to track down all friendly monsters or all Secret Spots in addition to Mini Medals? We have you covered!
Where do you turn in Mini Medals in Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake?
Mini medals can be turned in at the Mini Medal Manor below the main part of Aliahan. Simply head down the well and follow the path to turn in new medals whenever you are in town.
Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake: All Mini Medal Rewards
2 Medals - Thorn Whip
3 Medals - Leather Dress
5 Medals - Garter
8 Medals - Edged Boomerang
12 Medals - Silver Platter
15 Medals - Prayer Ring
20 Medals - Strength Ring
23 Medals - Scholar's Specs
27 Medals - Agility Ring
30 Medals - Staff of Ressurection
35 Medals - Weightlifter's Belt
40 Medals - Agility Gilet
50 Medals - Dragontail Whip
60 Medals - Stealth Suit
65 Medals - Flametang Boomerang
70 Medals - Mercury's Bandana
75 Medals - Scourge Whip
80 Medals - Dragon Claws
85 Medals - Astraea's Abacus
90 Medals - Dragon Robe
95 Medals - Blessed Bikini
100 Medals - Goddess Shield
105 Medals - Grindham Whip
110 Medals - Exotoga
Dragon Quest III HD-2D: All Mini Medal Locations
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Mini Medals are not numbered in-game, we've just numbered them here in an order players could be expected to find each medal. The order also matches that found in our step-by-step guide. But if you just need some assistance finding a specific medal, hopefully the location details and screenshots here help you find each and every one.
TIP: A Thief's Nose for Treasure ability can be used to verify that there are no items left to find in any given location. This ability will list out the number of remaining items to find on the current map. The Thief spell Snoop can help locate items on the current map by causing a sparkly glow where the items can be found. There is no way to search for just Mini Medals, however.
Mini Medal #1: In the left barrel of the SE room in Aliahan Castle
Mini Medal #2: In a 2F drawer in the eastern building of Aliahan, available only at night
Mini Medal #3: Barrel in Shrine of the Plains
Mini Medal #4: Chest on 2F of Dreamer's Tower in the south-center
Mini Medal #5: Chest on 3F of Dreamer's Tower in the south-center
Mini Medal #6: Pot in Little Shrine
Mini Medal #7: Pot inside west house of Romaria
Mini Medal #8: Near the fountain in the center SE courtyard in Romaria Castle
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Mini Medal #9: Pot near entrance of Romarian Outpost
Mini Medal #10: In a Secret Spot east of the mountains NE of Romaria
Mini Medal #11: In the back room of the Khoryv bar, in a barrel
Mini Medal #12: At the right-most grave in Khoryv
Mini Medal #13: On 4F of Skyfell tower, in a chest
Mini Medal #14: In a bad on the wall the the second floor of the Inn in Norvik
Mini Medal #15: Behind the western boulder in Faerie Village
Mini Medal #16: In a plant south-east of the Item Shop in Faerie Village
Mini Medal #17: In a chest on the NE side of Underground Lake B1
Mini Medal #18: In a Secret Spot north of Asham
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Mini Medal #19: In a barrel in Nordy's Grotto
Mini Medal #20: In a pot in Desert Shrine
Mini Medal #21: In a SW tombstone in Ibis
Mini Medal #22: In a SE pot in the Ibis Weapon Shop
Mini Medal #23: Check the Ibis Throne at night
Mini Medal #24: In a western chest on Pyramid 1F
Mini Medal #25: At the very top of Pyramid
Mini Medal #26: In a locked door in the backroom of Asham's dance stage building
Mini Medal #27: On one of the blue squares in Asham's locked NW building
Mini Medal #28: In a chest in Ibis's locked treasure room
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Mini Medal #29: In the hay bale behind Portoga's shop building
Mini Medal #30: In a pot in the room under the stairs near Portoga's lighthouse
Mini Medal #31: In a Secret Spot in the small desert SW of Baharata
Mini Medal #32: On the west side of the southern stone dock in Baharata (left of the pillar)
Mini Medal #33: In Baharata's Inn, in the cabinet
Mini Medal #34: A northern center chest in Kidnapper's Cave B1
Mini Medal #35: In a Secret Spot NW of Mur (east of the SE rock)
Mini Medal #36: Behind the church in B1 of Alltrades Abbey
Mini Medal #37: On 1F of Alltrades Abbey, near the corner of the upper-right statue
Mini Medal #38: The right dresser in Wayfarer's Inn
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Mini Medal #39: In the left pot of 2F of the shop building in Mur
Mini Medal #40: On 3F of Tower of Transcendence (south staircase)
Mini Medal #41: In a Secret Spot on a western isolated beach west of Persistence
Mini Medal #42: In a Secret Spot south of Theddon, near the coast
Mini Medal #43: In the NE poison pool in Theddon
Mini Medal #44: In the dead end alley east of the locked building on Lanson
Mini Medal #45: In the outside area of Edina, in the SW corner of the eastern courtyard
Mini Medal #46: Pot in the shrine building in Jipang
Mini Medal #47: Pot in eastern room of Jipang Palace
Mini Medal #48: In Shallow Shrine on a square tile north of the chest
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Mini Medal #49: In the locked door in Mur's shops (requires Ultimate Key)
Mini Medal #50: In the western tower of Romaria Castle, in the locked room, near the sink
Mini Medal #51: Near the center pool in Teleportal Shrine
Mini Medal #52: Between the Teleportals in Olivia's Promontory
Mini Medal #53: NE of the bottom of the ladder in Shrine of the Everbird
Mini Medal #54: In the northern flowerbed in Lozamii
Mini Medal #55: In a barrel in the north room of Pirate's Den
Mini Medal #56: In the eastern jail in the Pirate's Den basement (available only during daytime)
Mini Medal #57: In a Secret Spot just NW of Pirate's Den (near west exit in the middle of the path)
Mini Medal #58: In a pot in the N house in Persistence
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Mini Medal #59: In a chest near the SW torch in Grimland
Mini Medal #60: In a drawer in the N building of Grimland
Mini Medal #61: In a Secret Spot on the far NW side of Fifer's Spire (near NW boulder)
Mini Medal #62: On 3F at the end of the dungeon in Fifer's Spire
Mini Medal #63: In Gaia's Navel, in a chest after obtaining the Blue Orb
Mini Medal #64: In the W chest on B2 in Orochi's Lair
Mini Medal #65: In a Secret Spot at the dead end NW of Wayfarer's Chapel (in the NE tree)
Mini Medal #66: In a NE gravestone in Manoza
Mini Medal #67: In a barrel in the kitchen of Manoza Castle
Mini Medal #68: A pot in the jail of Manoza
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Mini Medal #69: In one of the many chests in B2 of Manoza Cave
Mini Medal #70: In the B1 treasure room of Ghost Ship
Mini Medal #71: In the NW pot of Shrine of Shackles
Mini Medal #72: In the L2 'pit room' of Maw of the Necrogond, just SE of the big center boulder
Mini Medal #73: Behind the man in Necrogond Shrine
Mini Medal #74: In a Secret Spot on the W side of Aliahan island, requiring Everbird (S side of E boulder)
Mini Medal #75: In a Secret Spot W of Manoza, requiring the Everbird (near E rock)
Mini Medal #76: In a Secret Spot N of Persistence, requiring Everbird (SE of the bag)
Mini Medal #77: In a Secret Spot on the SW side of the huge forest continent (near SE rock)
Mini Medal #78: In the NE jail cell of B1 of Baramos's Lair
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Mini Medal #79: At the skeleton on the Throne of Baramos's Lair
Mini Medal #80: In front of the center stained glass window at the rear of Castle of the Dragon Queen
Mini Medal #81: At the northmost dead end pier in West Tantegel Harbor
Mini Medal #82: In a Secret Spot in the forest NW of Tantegel, at the tree in the center
Mini Medal #83: In a drawer in Galen's House
Mini Medal #84: Just left of the archway leading to the castle in Tantegel
Mini Medal #85: In a barrel in the NE dining room in Tantegel Castle
Mini Medal #86: At a Secret Spot on the NW island on the N island chain in Alefgard, near the NW rocks
Mini Medal #87: At a Secret Spot the SE dead end in the Alefgard inner ocean
Mini Medal #88: In a Secret Spot in the ocean SW of the Sanctum Island in Alefgard
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Mini Medal #89: In the SE dead-end on B2 of Craggy Cave
Mini Medal #90: In the E-most stable in Damdara
Mini Medal #91: In the NW corner of Cantlin
Mini Medal #92: In the middle of the carpet in Shrine of the Spirit
Mini Medal #93: In a Secret Spot at the SE section of the desert N of Cantlin
Mini Medal #94: In a Secret Spot NW of Rimuldar
Mini Medal #95: in the back-entrance jail cell in Rimuldar
Mini Medal #96: At the entrance to the water in the Hot Springs in Kol
Mini Medal #97: At the far south dead of Quagmire Cave
Mini Medal #98: On 3F of Tower of Rubiss, near the center rubble
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Mini Medal #99: Left of the priest in Sanctum
Mini Medal #100: In a NE chest on Talontear Tunnel 3F
Mini Medal #101: In front of the throne in Zoma's Citadel 1F
Mini Medal #102: In the B4 treasure room of Zoma's Citadel
Mini Medal #103: In the Pyramid room of the post-game dungeon, in the SW chest
Mini Medal #104: In the Underground Lake room of the post-game dungeon, in the NE dead end
Mini Medal #105: In the NW cell of the jail room of the post-game dungeon
Mini Medal #106: In a pot on the lower floor of Cloudsgate Citadel
Mini Medal #107: In the left chest of Citadel Tower 2F
Mini Medal #108: In the south chest of Citadel Tower 4F
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Mini Medal #109: In the NW trial of Temple of Trials, in the warp south of the 4 chests
Mini Medal #110: In the NE trial of Temple of Trials