Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake: All Secret Spot Locations
One of the new additions to Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake is the inclusion of Secret Spots, little miniature zones that can be found on the world map. These spots are marked by a conspicuous landmark of some kind, such as a huge tree, a giant boulder, or a ring of rocks. These Secret Spots not only will have useful items and equipment, but many have Mini Medals or Friendly Monsters.
We've found 101 Secret Spots throughout the world maps of Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake. Below we list them generally in the order we found them in our full 100% walkthrough of Dragon Quest III's remake. All Mini Medals and Friendly Monsters in the game that are found in these Secret Spots are included in the list below. If we somehow happened to miss one, or if there is a mistake, please let us know in the comments!
You can use the maps below to help find Secret Spots you may have glanced over. We've also numbered each spot and included rewards in the list below, which may help you find that last Mini Medal or Friendly Monster in your playthrough. We highly recommend the Thief ability Nose for Treasure and spell Snoop to make sure you have all the items in each Secret Spot.
Please don't steal our labeled maps, we worked very hard on them.
DQ3 HD Secret Spot Locations

- Secret Spot #1: East of Aliahan Island, in the low mountains
- Rewards: 90 gold, Wizard's Staff
- Secret Spot #2: Just west of Reeve
- Rewards: Divine Dagger
- Secret Spot #3: Outside of Dreamer's Tower
- Rewards: Shell Armour
- Secret Spot #4: North of Romarian Road
- Rewards: Full Moon Ring, Strong Medicine
- Secret Spot #5: In the canyon area in between mountains north of Romaria
- Rewards: Dazzle-me-not, Gobblebert (Antgobbler Monster)
- Secret Spot #6: Far west of Khoryv at the end of the peninsula
- Rewards: Sage's Elixir, Trixie (Prestidigitator Monster)
- Secret Spot #7: Between Norvik and Faerie Village, to the south
- Rewards: Musk, Hornbert (Spiked Hare Monster, day only)
- Secret Spot #8: SW of Skyfell Tower
- Rewards: Slime Earrings, Torc of Truth
- Secret Spot #9: The northern snow coast NE of Khoryv
- Rewards: Rabbit Tail, Cloud (Cumaulus Monster)
- Secret Spot #10: East of the mountains north of Romaria
- Rewards: 1020 gold, Mini Medal
- Secret Spot #11: NW of Asham on the brown hills
- Rewards: Dragon Scale, Seed of Defence, Mini Medal
- Secret Spot #12: Far south of Asham, on the peninsula
- Rewards: Arthur (Antgobbler Monster, night only)
- Secret Spot #13: NE oasis in desert region
- Oomph Powder, Fixer (Healslime Monster, dusk)
- Secret Spot #14: SW oasis in desert region
- Prayer Ring, 338 gold, Seed of Defence
- Secret Spot #15: North of the mountain north of Portoga
- Rewards: Asbestos Earrings, 324 gold (in a grass patch on the east side), Hoodini (Prestidigitator Monster)
- Secret Spot #16: NE of lake north of Baharata
- Magic Water, Angel Bell
- Secret Spot #17: In small desert SW of Baharata
- Nothing, 513 gold, Mini Medal, nothing, Strength Ring
- Secret Spot #18: SW of Olivia's Promontory
- Fluffy (Cumaulus Monster)
- Secret Spot #19: Palm tree SE of Baharata
- Rewards: 1399 gold, Allan (Raven Lunatic Monster)
- Secret Spot #20: Just NW of Kidnapper's Cave
- Rewards: 642 gold, Prayer Ring, Mush (Mushroom Mage Monster)
- Secret Spot #21: Far SE of Alltrades Abbey, near lake
- Rewards: Magic Water, Percival (Restless ArmourMonster, night)
- Secret Spot #22: S of lake NE of Alltrades Abbey
- Rewards: Staff of Sentencing
- Secret Spot #23: Tree NW of Mur
- Rewards: Mini Medal, King Strong (Whackanape Monster)
- Secret Spot #24: Just SW of Portoga Lighthouse
- Rewards: Moonwort Bulb, Necklace of Immunity, Schroominger (Mushroom Mage Monster, night)
- Secret Spot #25: Island west of Romaria
- Rewards: Merida (Mermaniac Monster, requires Ra's Mirror)
- Secret Spot #26: Isolated beach west of Asham, near mountains
- Rewards: Special Medicine, Jellie (Man O' War Monster)
- Secret Spot #27: Iceberg in ocean east of the big circular mountains of the NW continent
- Rewards: Banishing Bell, 358 gold, Magic Water, Snapper (Handsome Crab Monster, night)
- Secret Spot #28: Iceberg in ocean north of big circular mountains of the NW continent
- Rewards: Gustarang (spot a bit NW of your boat, right of the small water inlet), Ice Shield (west and slightly north of center boulder), Mercury's Bandana (East of boulder, slightly north, near edge)
- Secret Spot #29: Boulder in ocean between Norvik and Faerie Village
- Rewards: Chimaera Wing, 167 gold, Special Medicine, Antidotal Herb
- Secret Spot #30: SW of Edina, on island
- Rewards: Holy Lance, Steel Broadsword
- Secret Spot #31: Rock formation NW of Edina, in ocean
- Rewards: Schwimmer (Seaslime Monster)
- Secret Spot #32: SW of Wayfarer's Shrine, in ocean
- Staff of Strife, Cloak of Evasion, Sage's Elixir
- Secret Spot #33: N of Wayfarer's Shrine, across the river
- Rewards: Joe (Whackanape Monster)
- Secret Spot #34: SE of Wayfarer's Shrine
- Rewards: Shell Armour, 889 gold
- Secret Spot #35: West of the SW-most ice island of the world map, in ocean
- Rewards: Seed of Life, Yggdrasil Leaf, Frosty (Firn Fiend Monster, dusk)
- Secret Spot #36: East of the SW-most ice island, in ocean
- Rewards: Fire Claws
- Secret Spot #37: NW of the southern Australia-looking island, in ocean
- Rewards: Seed of Luck, Asbestos Earrings
- Secret Spot #38: SE of the southern Australia-looking island, in ocean just off the coast
- Rewards: Recovery Ring, Healiza (Healslime Monster, dusk)
- Secret Spot #39: South and slightly west of Promontory Passage, in the ocean
- Rewards: Care Riviere, Chaim Mail
- Secret Spot #40: Just north of Reeve, in ocean
- Rewards: Sting (Man O' War Monster, dusk)
- Secret Spot #41: Isolated beach east of Theddon, near mountain
- Rewards: Angel Bell, Mercury's Bandana
- Secret Spot #42: Small island NE of Wayfarer's Inn
- Rewards: Seed of Wisdom, Prayer Ring, nothing, nothing, The Eureka Moment
- Secret Spot #43: Straight east of Jipang, in center of ocean
- Rewards: Hen's Tooth, Moonwort Bulb, Gold Chain
- Secret Spot #44: East and slightly north of Jipang, NE of the Secret Spot #43
- Rewards: Look, No Pants!, Slapstick, Ten Ton Toupee, Garish Garb, Boxer Shorts
- Secret Spot #45: Straight N of Mur, in ocean
- Rewards: Beastly Bullwhip
- Secret Spot #46: On beach in the inlet towards Tower of Transcendence
- Rewards: Magic Water, Snooze Stick (right tree), Banishing Bell (tall grass south and slightly east of Pot)
- Secret Spot #47: Rock in ocean near small islands on north side of NE continent
- Rewards: Black Bandana, Seed of Agility, Stealth Suit (west of pots)
- Secret Spot #48: In ocean NE of NE continent
- Rewards: Prayer Ring, Moonwort Bulb, Damon (Imp Monster, requires Ra's Mirror)
- Secret Spot #49: Westmost dead end inlet leads to an isolated beach, near Persistence on world map
- Rewards: Mini Medal
- Secret Spot #50: Near poison swamp in inlet maze on NE continent near Persistence
- Rewards: Prayer Ring, Fizzle-retardant Suit, Hel (Walking Corpse Monster, night)
- Secret Spot #51: Rock in ocean in east-center of world map, in between the two continents
- Rewards: Tortoise Shell, Zippy (Wyrtle Monster)
- Secret Spot #52: Far SE of SE continent, in ocean
- Rewards: 725 gold, Hermes' Hat
- Secret Spot #53: Rock in ocean north of the snow peninsula of the NE continent
- Rewards: Wizard's Robe, Mercurio (Mermaniac Monster)
- Secret Spot #54: W of Theddon, across river
- Rewards: Full Moon Ring, Mush, Whodoo (Heedoo Voodoo Monster)
- Secret Spot #55: S of Theddon, on land near the coast
- Rewards: Pot Lid, Mini Medal (NW of Center rock)
- Secret Spot #56: Ice rock on west side of SW 'Shrine of the Everbird' island
- Rewards: Anti-freeze Earrings, Chimaera, Wing, Divine Dagger
- Secret Spot #57: NW of Pirate's Den
- Rewards: Battle-axe, Mini Medal
- Secret Spot #58: Further north of Pirate's Den, at north end of forest
- Rewards: Holy Talisman, Baatholomewe (Day)
- Secret Spot #59: Circle of rocks just NW of the southern tip of the mountains, N of Pirate's Den
- Rewards: 4,312 gold
- Secret Spot #60: West side of NE ice "Grimland" island
- Rewards: 5,614 gold
- Secret Spot #61: NW of Fifer's Spire
- Rewards: - Chimaera Wing, 2,834 gold
- Secret Spot #62: Oasis near the lake NW of Fifer's Spire
- Rewards: Iron Axe, Mini Medal (NW boulder), Hoodwink (Hoodlum Monster)
- Secret Spot #63: Just south of land bridge connecting the eastern continents
- Being a Better Person, Manny (Lump Shaman Monster, night)
- Secret Spot #64: West of Gaia's Navel
- Rewards: Dragon Shield, Croaker (Overtoad Monster, use Padfoot to approach)
- Secret Spot #65: Dead end NW of Wayfarer's Chapel
- Rewards: Magic Water, Mini Medal (NE tree), Youdoo (Heedoo Voodoo Monster)
- Secret Spot #66: SW of Manoza
- Rewards: 1,151 gold, Moonwort Bulb, Restless Heart
- Secret Spot #67: Near Necrogond Shrine
- Rewards: Banishing Bell, Dragontail Whip
- Secret Spot #68: NE of Khoryv on snowy peninsula (requires Everbird)
- Rewards: The Eureka Moment, Boris (Boreal Serpent Monster)
- Secret Spot #69: SE of Khoryv, in mountain clearing (requires Everbird)
- Rewards: Words of Wisdom, 254 gold
- Secret Spot #70: E of Ibis on plateau (requires Everbird)
- Rewards: Seed of Luck, 5,000 gold, Famine (Mimic Monster, night)
- Secret Spot #71: SE of Maw of the Necrogond (requires Everbird)
- Rewards: Stealth Suit, Thief's Turban
- Secret Spot #72: NW of Baharata (requires Everbird)
- Rewards: Leather Hat, Boxer Shorts, 347 gold, Seed of Wisdom, Thinking Cap (NE of center boulder)
- Secret Spot #73: E of Tower of Transcendence (requires Everbird)
- Rewards: 5,200 gold, Staff of Ressurection, Elfin Elixir
- Secret Spot #74: West side of Aliahan island (requires Everbird)
- Rewards: Elevating Shoes, Mini Medal (S side of E boulder), Beaker (Elysium Bird Monster)
- Secret Spot #75: W of Manoza (requires Everbird)
- Rewards: Fading Jenny, Mini Medal (S of E rock)
- Secret Spot #76: N of Persistence (requires Everbird)
- Rewards: 4,423 gold, Mini Medal (tree SE of the bag), Galahad (Restless Armour Monster)
- Secret Spot #77: E of Grimland (requires Everbird)
- Rewards: Blizzard Blade
- Secret Spot #78: West side of circular mountain on NW continent
- Rewards: Elfin Elixir, 3 gold, Yggdrasil Leaf
- Secret Spot #79: North and slightly east side of huge forest continent
- Rewards: Seed of Defence, 8,088 gold, Hoodunnit (Hoodlum Monster, day, need Ras Mirror)
- Secret Spot #80: SW side of the huge dense forest continent, close to mountain
- Rewards: Aerofoil Earrings, Tempest Shield, Mini Medal (NE of SE rock)

- Secret Spot #81: N part of forest NW of Tantegel
- Reward: Wizard's Robe, Mini Medal (at big tree in center)
- Secret Spot #82: Boulder near mountains NE of Tantegel
- Reward: 2,211 gold, Gootrude (Slime Monster)
- Secret Spot #83: Small island N of NW continent
- Reward: Seed of Defence, Torgon (Wyrtoise Monster)
- Secret Spot #84: Isolated beach in the inlet south of the northern island chain in Alefgard
- Reward: Angel's Robe, 53 gold, Seed of Luck, Goddess Ring
- Secret Spot #85: On the NW island on the north island chain in Alefgard
- Reward: Lightning Staff, Tough Guy Tattoo, Mini Medal (near NW rocks)
- Secret Spot #86: On the small island in between the large NE on SE continents in Alefgard
- Reward: Asbestos Earrings, Flowing Dress, Cronus (Elysium Bird Monster)
- Secret Spot #87: Isolated beach east of the center island in Alefgard
- Reward: Bastard Sword, Sage's Elixir, Seed of Magic
- Secret Spot #88: Rock in water in SE dead end of inner ocean in Alefgard
- Reward: Mini Medal, Inky (Squidzilla Monster)
- Secret Spot #89: SW of the SE Sanctum island, in the ocean, in Alefgard
- Reward: Mini Medal, Blessed Bikini, Garter, Leather Cape, Dieamend, Silver Tiara, Banishing Bell
- Secret Spot #90: Rock in water inlet on the west side of the SW continent in Alefgard
- Reward: Musk, 2,654 gold, Seed of Strength, Shelley (Seaslime Monster)
- Secret Spot #91: West of Craggy Cave
- Reward: Dragon Scale, Dragon Robe
- Secret Spot #92: Tree on peninsula SE of Craggy Cave
- Reward: Spirit Bracer, Green Giant (Green Dragon Monster)
- Secret Spot #93: Center south desert oasis on SW continent in Alefgard
- Reward: Rabbit Ears, Scourge Whip, Polly (Chimaera Monster)
- Secret Spot #94: South of lake SE of Damdara, in between mountains, in the forest
- Reward: Fading Jenny, Iron Claws, Black Bandana
- Secret Spot #95: Directly east of Damdara, across water
- Reward: Garter, 168 gold, Scandalous Swimsuit (small tree in center of giant boulder)
- Secret Spot #96: North of Cantlin, SE area of desert, near mountains
- Reward: Great Helm, Mini Medal
- Secret Spot #97: Southern plains of E continent in Alefgard
- Reward: Goldirox (Gold GolemMonster)
- Secret Spot #98: NW of Rimuldar
- Reward: Copper Sword, Leather Shield, Thinking Cap, Mini Medal
- Secret Spot #99: NE side of NE continent, in forest
- Reward: Training Togs, Thorn Whip, Leather Ship, Dragon Claws
- Secret Spot #100: North part of desert south of Kol
- Reward: Doh-hican, 3,677 gold, Headsman's Axe (hidden on south side of NE boulder)
- Secret Spot #101: On the main path before Zoma's Citadel
- Reward: Seed of Defence, Seed of LIfe, Seed of Strength, Soraon (Infernal Serpent Monster)