World of Final Fantasy Articles

World Of Final Fantasy makes its way onto PC, but stumbles a bit in the process.
review by Kyle Campbell on 22 November, 2017

A bright art style and nostalgia pave the way for Square Enix's latest return to traditional RPGs - with a twist!
review by Erren Van Duine on 24 October, 2016

We took a trip back in time with a game that takes a more traditional approach to Final Fantasy.
preview by Andrea Kasparian on 28 August, 2016

Alex, Andrea, Erren and Josh sit down to consider and grade Square Enix's performance at E3 2016, with impressions on all the games the publisher showed.
podcast by Alex Donaldson on 20 June, 2016

We get the scoop on a brand new FF collaboration.
interview by Erren Van Duine on 30 June, 2015