Tyranny - Latest Updates
Tyranny reviews and features

A fun additional chapter for Tyranny, but suffers from the same weaknesses.
review by Bryan Vitale on 07 September, 2017

On our first day of announcements, we run down Best Tangential, Best Writing/Script/Localization, Best Soundtrack/Score, Best Art/Visual Design, Biggest Surprise, and One to Watch.
feature by RPG Site Staff on 29 December, 2016
Latest Tyranny news and info

Will release on September 7th.
news by Adam Vitale on 23 August, 2017

A chance to win Tyranny or Pillars of Eternity!
news by Bryan Vitale on 26 May, 2017

We talk about the Persona 5 delay, NIS America's announcements, and more!
podcast by Zack Reese on 20 November, 2016

Evil has won.
news by Kyle Campbell on 11 November, 2016

But first, a Final Fantasy XV mobile MMO?
podcast by Zack Reese on 08 November, 2016

Obsidian Entertainment's new CRPG slated for the 10th, along with a new trailer.
news by Bryan Vitale on 13 October, 2016

We discuss the recent events at Square Enix's Uncovered: FFXV event, while also spending probably too much time on anime.
podcast by Zack Reese on 05 April, 2016

The storied RPG developer is partnering up with Paradox for a new PC adventure.
news by Alex Donaldson on 16 March, 2016