Guides by Scott White

Fire Emblem Engage continues the series' tradition of offering players a plethora of options for classes to assign to their units. This guide will provide you a break down of all the various classes, including their requirements, stats, and more!
guide by Scott White on 25 January, 2023

Finding yourself stuck on a tough chapter in Fire Emblem Engage? Here are the best and fastest methods to use to gain a few levels for your units!
guide by Scott White on 23 January, 2023

Fire Emblem Engage features heroes from past entries that you will need to rely on to tackle the Fell Dragon, each featuring special attacks and skills. This guide breaks down what each emblem can do so that you can plan accordingly!
guide by Scott White on 22 January, 2023

One of the defining aspects of Fire Emblem Engage is the Emblem Ring heroes from previous games that are spread across the game's 20+ chapters!
guide by Scott White on 21 January, 2023

Throughout the course of Fire Emblem Engage's 20+ chapters, you will be recruiting a variety of characters and unlocking the game's numerous Emblem heroes. Here, we list them all.
guide by Scott White on 21 January, 2023

How do you level up in Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII? The answer is more random than you'd think.
guide by Scott White on 24 December, 2022

The Shinra Manor Safe is there as an enticing mystery once again in Crisis Core Reunion - here's how to get the Nibelheim Safe Code to open it.
guide by Alex Donaldson and Scott White on 22 December, 2022

One quick trick to Master Materia without even touching the controller. Crisis Core's developers hate it!
guide by Scott White on 13 December, 2022

By getting the Cursed Ring, you can turn off the DMW and make Crisis Core FF7 a completely different - and much more difficult - game.
guide by Scott White on 12 December, 2022

Chrono Cross has a staggering 45 characters to recruit for your party, including some missable ones. This guide will help with recruitment for all characters.
guide by Scott White on 13 April, 2022

Learn the coolest techniques and the snazziest spells that three vast realms have to offer.
guide by Scott White and Alex Donaldson on 11 November, 2021

Switching characters is vital to getting ahead in Tales of Arise, but it's also incredibly poorly explained in-game. Here's how to do it in a number of different situations.
guide by Scott White on 11 September, 2021

Ever since the Pixel Remaster titles were announced, one of the biggest complaints has been the font. Luckily, with a few tweaks, you can have a much clearer and readable text!
guide by Scott White on 28 July, 2021